Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Blog Post #10

comic/cartoon drawing
Papermate v.s. Ticonderoga
Is it worth spending more money on electric devices or stick with the same paper and pencils tools our grandparents used? Obviously, paper and pencils are cheaper; however is that engaging students? I believe the paper and pencil idea is long gone. Let's move forward to motivate our students to learn using hands on materials. I agree technology is more expensive to purchase, but these are the tools that students find interesting and want to spend all their time using.

Why Were Your Kids Playing Games?
Mr. Spencer is an interesting writer. His stories kept me engaged and interested. During Mr. Spencer's blog post Why Were Your Kids Playing Games? he gives a story through a teacher and principals conversation. The teacher is called to the principal’s office due to playing games during class. The principal viewed the teacher’s game as inappropriate. The teacher was playing games that incorporated several skills in to a fun way for the students to learn. The principal’s views on this were negative; however the teacher was allowing the students to enjoy learning. Sometimes we focus on the way "kids have always learned", but we need to wake up and give students the opportunity to learn through a variety of lessons. Whether it is through games, technology, or Smartboard interactive lessons will allow learning to be exciting and fun for the students and the teacher.

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff?
The blog post by Mr. Scott McLeod Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? was intriguing. When I first began to read the blog I was shocked to hear is negative opinion of technology. As I kept reading the post I quickly realized his reverse psychology. Mr. McLeod has a great way of getting his point across without ever making the statement "this is what I believe".
I fully agree that technology is the rising factor that needs to be implemented in the classroom, but most importantly teaching students to use technology correctly. As teachers, administrators, and parents we need to explain the dangers of the Internet and prepare them for using the resources for their futures.
Mr. Scott McLeod is currently the Director of Innovation in Iowa and is also the Founding Director of the UCEA Center of the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership and Education. He also created the video we watched earlier in the semester "Did You Know?” and he just finished his first book titled What School Leaders Need To Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media.


  1. Hi Makenzie! My assigned student has not completed an assignment for a while, so I decided to revisit your blog page. I enjoyed reading your opinions and perceptions in previous blogs, and was not disappointed today. I agree that as teachers we will have to incorporate technology in any aspect possible to effectively teach and keep students engaged. When I read your comment about "this is the way we have always taught, this is the way students have always learned", I began to wonder. Do you think that many teachers already feel overwhelmed with their existing responsibilities and paperwork that maybe they feel like they don't have the time or energy to learn technology and new techniques? We are certainly fortunate to have the opportunity to learn new tools and philosophies before we enter the classroom. You did a great job of summarizing these new philosophies!

  2. Hi Makenzie,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I completely agree with you that pencils and paper are cheaper, but as you said, are they really engaging our students? We must keep up with the changing times and teach our students on their level.

    I thought Mr. Spencer was an interesting writer as well. Hopefully we won't have to deal with principals like the one in the story though.

    Intriguing is a great word for Mr. McLeod's post. I was confused at first as well. I had read his blog before and knew his stand on technology. Like you, it didn't take me long to realize what he was saying. What an interesting way of putting it. Kids who are not allowed to use technology will be at a disadvantage in the future.

    Great Job! I look forward to reading more!
